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Two men competing with another expedition to reach the Southpole first.
Inspired by Scott and Amundsens race Expedition is a journey through endless landscape, warm memories and frozen toes. In a place where penguins want to join in.
Performers: Oddgeir Thune og Yannick Greweldinger
Director: Øystein S. Johansen
Idea: Marie Nikazm Bakken og Øystein S. Johansen
Dramaturg: Jonas Rutgeerts
Scenographer: Gjermund Andresen
Costumedesign: Kari Wien
Lightdesign: Inger Johanne Byhring
Composer: Hans Kristen Hyrve
Production: Anita Bjørkli and Øyvin Dahle Løype
Première Otta Kulturhus 14 September
Supported by:
Fond for lyd og bilde, Regionrådet Norddalen Oppland Fylkeskommune, Norsk Kulturråd, Dovre kommune, Sel kommune

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